If you want to know some tricky Mobile Phone Codes for Android, iPhone, Samsung, or any other. then stay here. Mobile codes are basically tricky moves to access all the hidden settings of any mobile phone, which are not shown by default to your handset. Mobile phone codes are generally not much applied, because 80% of mobile users, don’t know about these codes. The service operator never told us these shortcuts or did not mention them. These mobile phone codes are written in their service manual.
General Mobile Phone Codes, FAQ
Mobile Phone Codes Note.
Mobile codes are gathered from different sources so that you find these all in one place. Usage of these codes may differ from different gadgets, some time it may be changed, or sometimes not be compatible with your device. Above mentioned codes are for different devices, don’t apply to mobile-only, and can be dialed from other devices, like LAN, USB, DSLR, and Admin panels of different sources.
Mobile Phone Codes are also called shortcodes, you have seen these shortcuts on your personal computer, same like that these shortcodes are applicable to mobile phones. Usage of these codes is not mandatory or a suggestion from Hitello, it is just info and knowledge base mobile phone codes data.