The Glotel Award is an event that happens in London where they give out awards for different IT things. It’s a fancy way of saying Global and telecommunication.

There are many categories for nominations, Future Vision, 5G Innovation of the Year, Advancing Artificial Intelligence, Automation Initiative of the Year, Best Digital Transformation Project, BSS/OSS Modernization Excellence, Climate Action Initiative of the Year, Connecting the Unconnected and Digital Infrastructure Innovation.

These are also the glotel award like Driving Digital Transformation, Enterprise Solution Excellence, Fixed Network Evolution, IoT Initiative of the Year, Managed Services Mastery, Most Innovative Operator Cloud Offering, and Most Innovative Vendor Cloud Offering.

Operator Excellence, Outstanding RAN Innovation, Private Networks Project of the Year, Progressing Monetization and Mobile Money, Project Delivery Perfection, Security Solution of the Year, Telecoms Marketing Team of the Year, and Telecoms Excellence. These all are Glotel Award categories.

Glotel Award

These awards mentioned earlier are meant for all the telecom companies worldwide, and they are sponsored by Huawei and Nutcracker. The purpose of this award is to recognize and appreciate telecom companies, agencies, or operators that are making advancements and innovations in the industry. Winners are selected manually, and entries can be submitted online from June 12th to September 10th each year, with a certain fee. The announcement of the winners takes place on November 30th every year.



China Mobile Communications Corporation and Huawei – China Mobile CRM Agile delivery and intelligent O&M transformation project won the Telecom Excellence award in 2023. The Excellence Award (Glotel Award) is presented to companies that excel in serving their customers and contribute innovations to the industry. Essentially, this award acknowledges the hard work and integrity of the company’s leadership.

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China Mobile has really been pushing the envelope when it comes to advancing cloud-native technologies. They’ve embarked on this cool journey of sophisticated DevOps transformation using the Panzhou platform. And get this – they’ve teamed up closely with Huawei for some serious collaboration. Specifically, over in China Mobile Jiangsu, they’ve amped up their CRM project by diving deep into robust DevOps practices rooted in the platform.

The result? Big improvements in various areas like agile development, CI/CD pipelines, canary releases, and the whole shebang of intelligent O&M (AIOps). It’s like they’ve seamlessly woven these core delivery capabilities into the fabric of their operation, and voila! China Mobile Jiangsu is now rocking a comprehensive transformation, fully embracing the world of cloud-native architecture, digital delivery, and intelligent O&M. It’s been a stellar success, no doubt about it.

You may read more about this at here.